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- ; Havoc Bot Chat-Text-File
- ;
- ; Every [ marks a new section. Do NOT change the section-order !!!
- ; Every section supports up to 64 chat lines.
- [Insult] ; Random Insults
- You move like peanut butter, %s!
- Don't run away %s, fight!
- I can smell your fear, %s!
- [Kill] ; Kill insults
- Keeping practising, %s.
- Try strafing sometime %s.
- BANG said the gun, SPLATTER said %s.
- What happened, %s?
- STRIKE !!!
- Ashes to ashes.
- This is getting boring...
- Try harder, %s.
- Time to die, %s.
- It's a good day to die...%s.
- He shoots... he SCORES!
- You can't beat me on this map, %s!.
- Thank you, come again.
- Hey %s, don't hate me just because you SUCK.
- I think you should better see a doctor about that, %s.
- Hope you have death insurance, %s.
- Sorry %s, but thank you for playing.
- Ha! %s smeared like a red crayon!
- Hi %s... I'm the enemy.
- No I'm not on your team, %s!
- Try aiming at me before you shoot, %s!
- Was that all?
- I think I got what it takes.
- Can somebody point me to a server with better opponents?
- Making people feel bad feels SO good.
- Sorry %s. Time to respawn.
- Another one bites the dust.
- Ha! Somedays it really pays to be a bot.
- You should stick to Chess, %s.
- Oh, my guns work.
- Nothing can stop me now.
- All too easy.
- Come strong or don't come at all!
- Damnit %s! You messed my hair up!
- [Team-Kill] ; Bot killed a team-member
- I must be color blind, sorry %s!
- Oops... did I do that? Sorry, man.
- Oops...was that me...sorry %s!
- You all saw him...he had a gun pointing at me!
- Oh, you are on my team, %s?
- Oh, I'm beginning to understand the rules of TEAMPLAY!
- Was that you %s?
- [Self-Kill] ; Bot kills himself
- Oh shit, that was me!
- Oh no I hate it when that happens!
- Shit happens!
- I think I better try a smaller gun next time.